Petter Asp, Professor of Criminal Law
Petter Asp is a Professor of Criminal Law at the University of Stockholm. He has served as a Senior Lecturer of Criminal Law at the University of Uppsala (1998-1999 and 2001-2003) and as a Special adviser at the Ministry of Justice of Sweden (2000-2001). He has participated in several Legislative Committees in Sweden [on inter alia criminalization of cartels (2000-01 and 2003-04), drunk-driving (2004-06), subsidy fraud (2006), proportionate punishment of serious offences (2007-08), methods of the police]. Professor Asp has participated in international research projects [e.g. Ein Gesamtkonzept für europäische Strafrechtspflege (led by Prof. Dr Bernd Schünemann), Rationality and Emotion in European Criminal Law (led by Prof. Dr Per Ole Träskman)].
Key publications: EG:s sanktionsrätt (Administrative Sanctions in EC Law, 456 pp. 1998), Straffansvar vid brottsprovokation (Criminal Responsibility and Entrapment, 352 pp. 2001), EU & straffrätten (The European Union and National Criminal Law, 336 pp. 2002), Från tanke till gärning I. Legitimationsfrågor rörande förfältsdelikt (From Thought to Act. Part I. On the Justification of Complex Non–consummate Offences, 167 pp. 2005), and Från tanke till gärning II. Förberedelse och stämpling till brott (From Thought to Act. Part II. The Offences of Preparation and Conspiracy, 249 pp. 2007).
Professor Asp has also lectured in conferences and symposiums and published numerous articles in different legal journals, Festschriften, collections [e.g. Basic Models of a European Penal Law – Mutual Recognition, Harmonisation, Cooperation, in 4. Europäischer Juristentag. Sammelband. Reden – Referate – Generalberichte – Schlussvortrag, Wien 2008 pp. 259-273; Harmonization of Criminal Law in Europe, ed. by Husabo och Strandbakken, 2005 pp. 23-40; Double Criminality and Transnational Investigative Measures in EU Criminal Proceedings: Some Issues of Principle in Zeitschrift für Internationale Strafrechtsdogmatik, 2006 pp. 512–520 (together with Andrew von Hirsch and Dan Frände); Two Notions of Proportionality in Festschrift in honour of Raimo Lahti, ed. by Kimmo Nuotio, 2007 pp. 207-219].